YOU need to become a whistleblower. YOU, as a member of CIGIE, must RIGHT NOW personally become a whistleblower (i.e., go directly to appropriate Congressional committees and/or the public forum of journalists etc.) -- against CIGIE itself. If you do not, then you dishonor the most precious sworn attributes of your IG office: ethical rectitude, integrity, and your own soul. As an appropriate role model, think of Michael Atkinson's involvement in the Trump/Ukraine case, and the more recent letter IGs have posted in protest of the DOJ's OLC handling of that case. The impetus for the whistleblowing now required of you is explained in my Oct 12 letter to CIGIE, available at It cites my website (see signature line below), which FULLY contains ALL pertinent details. In brief: I PROVE criminal Obstruction of Justice via Falsification of Facts, with Cover-Up and Conspiracy against multiple federal officials. If I'm wrong, you need to prove me wrong (which you cannot do). Otherwise, you need to become a whistleblower. Unless you have no ethics/integrity at all. Please do not delay; this case has already wallowed in far too much governmental corruption (as you will learn). Do not allow yourself to become a part of that travesty, by inaction (thereby joining criminal conspiracy by omission to act, in the face of your sworn duty-of-office to proactively act properly). I am sending this letter to all IGs I can find contact information for. This is a SERIOUS and URGENT matter (at least, if you value the U.S. Government we're all told from birth we can trust). -- Walter Tuvell (PhD, Math, MIT & U.Chicago -- i.e., "not-a-crank") -- https://JudicialMisconduct.US (esp.