General Discussion Forum/Topics en Website Feedback Website Feedback JMUSA_Admin 2018 Mar 16 Fri 10:35:49 EDT

This forum topic is devoted to discussion about the construction of this website, including suggestions for further future enhancements.

Submitted by Walt Tuvell on 2018 Mar 21 Wed 07:26:52 EDT


Dorf on Law is a premier (multi-author) law blog, owned/operated by Cornell law professor Michael Dorf. On March 6 2018, guest author Neil Buchanan published an article/topic (PNG and PDF versions attached below) about removing judges from the bench.

While Buchanan’s post had a partisan/political (liberal vs. conservative) slant (which has no place on this website), part of the ensuing discussion amongst the commenters (one of whom was the proprietor of this website) touched upon the desirability of a (non-partisan/political) blog/forum dedicated to Judicial Misconduct. The Forum feature now implemented on this website is the fruit of that discussion. See How To Use Forums for details of the implementation.

Fri, 16 Mar 2018 14:35:49 +0000JMUSA_Admin58 at